
In the Morning Light(沐浴晨光)雅尼钢琴五线谱

来源:网络  作者:佚名  时间:2021-10-30    提示:文中图片可全屏
  Got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning in the morning
  Got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning
  I feel it in my head now
  I feel it in my head now
  I feel it in my head now in my head now
  Got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning in the morning
  I feel it in my head now
  I feel it in my head now
  I feel it in my head now
  I feel it in my head now
  Got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning light you got to live your life right
  I just want to have fun 'til the morning light
  In the morning in the morning
In the Morning Light(沐浴晨光)雅尼钢琴五线谱
In the Morning Light(沐浴晨光)雅尼钢琴五线谱
In the Morning Light(沐浴晨光)雅尼钢琴五线谱
In the Morning Light(沐浴晨光)雅尼钢琴五线谱

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In the Morning Light(沐浴晨光)雅尼钢琴五线谱
In the Morning Light(沐浴晨光)雅尼钢琴五线谱


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