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Playing  the  high  register  on  the  piccolo  trumpet  demands  great  effort  from  the  musician. Consequently  this special trumpet should have a corresponding mouth piece

The higher the frequencies the lips have to produce, the more power is needed by the mimic muscular apparatus.
Wide cups produce fuller tones b ecause of more  lip  vibration, high tones, however, cannot be easily produced, which  leads  to  lower  endurance.
The  reduced  cup  width means  a  less  tiresome  performance  to  the  musician, which  enables  him/her  to  save  po wer  and  to  hit  the  higher  tones  more  precisely.  The  result  will  be  a  more brilliant tone.
We  should  however,  distinguish  between  two  different  groups  of  musicians,  those  who  use  their instruments only occasionally  and for a short period of  time, and  tho se who  have  devoted  themselves to the old masters  of music.
For  the  professional  trumpeter  there is  only o ne  possible  way  to  master  this  task b rilliantly:  to  choose  a  real piccolo mouthpiece with its corresponding narrow cup diameter.
For  musicians  playing in  orchestras, who play  mainly C- or B-trumpets, it will be best to  stick to the cup  (rim) diameter and rim contour of his/her choice, and use a piccolo cup with the screw-rim of his/her choice. Thus the musician  will  then  be  in  the  po sition  to  meet  most  of  the  demands  witho ut  having  to  get  used  to  a  new mouthpiece.
Musicians who  see  no problems  at  all  in changing  the  rim could  think about  the  possibility  of  solely using  a piccolo rim (rim with a narrow inner diameter). This means that there wo uld be an edge, because the curvature of the rim does not fit perfectly to the curvature of  the cup (intentionally a smaller rim is used for a bigger  cup), which ho wever, could have some positive effects, as well: more volume of tone, caused by a greater cup volume, narrow rim, which supports the production of hig her frequencies.
唇边型号 外部 Ø 标准宽度 杯直径 产品描述
R 27,700 15,973 16,000

Prof. R. Rudolf式唇边(†1995)(Wr. Symphoniker)

7D 27,950 15,974 16,000 与 Bach 7D Mt. Vernon相对应
BB 27,890 16,096 16,000 老式的的高音号嘴唇边,较宽
K16 27,600 16,322 16,000 唇边的轮廓是以K为标准杯的模块为16.0毫米
N5 28,270 16,388 16,000 Bo Nilson式唇边


杯型 开孔 深度 杯直径 产品描述 G6 3,60 SS 16,400


G5 3,65 S 16,400


GA4 3,70 S 16,400 高音小号和爵士用杯 GB 3,60 M 16,400


G4 3,60 MD 16,400


Every model that shows the letter G in its name is a member of the series G, to which all standard rims (with a width of 16.4mm at a depth of 2.5mm to the inside of the rim)
The follo wing picture shows a comparison of the shapes of different module cups.
The cup depth has an influence on both sound and ease of play. Cups, which are too deep will produce a beautiful tone, however, when the musician has to strain himself/herself too much, because of the depth, not only the endurance but also the quality of music will suffer enormously.The ease of play will give the musician more freedom in his/her performance.
It is important to find your favourite sound by using the corresponding back bore.
One should always be aware of the fact that estimating a mouthpiece by just looking at the inside of the cup or thro ugh  the bore will lead to misjudgements in  most cases. If one does not  take the back bore into account, the measuring  of  a  mouthpiece  by  visual  judgement  will  not  work.  Referring  to  co mfo rt,  the  inner  width  of  a mouthpiece is of major importance. My recommendation would be to get further information on this topic from an expert and to try different widths.
The shank 
The back  bore of the mouthpiece influences its ease of play to a percentage equaling  its percentage of length Most  musicians  are  not  aware  of  the  importance  of  this  part  of  the  mouthpiece.  Mouthpieces  are  usually Classified a ccording to cup depth and rim width, and the only information one will get by looking through th e bo re is the degree of pollution.
The shape of the back bore can hardly be determined with traditio nal methods as this bore is too long and narrow
to  be  measured  exactly.  People  began  to  realise  the  importance  of  this  part  of  the  mo uthpiece  with  the introduction  o f  the  screw-rim  mouthpiece.  The  mouthpiece  works  like  a  jet,  its  shape  determines  speed  and intensity of the  air  compression  inside the  instrument, as well  as  the resultin g  standing  wave. So the musician
can  easily choose his/her ideal  tone  system.  The  relevant  aspects for  the  musician's choice  of  the  right  shank
should be ease of play and desired tone colour. Sometimes it will be impossible to  find all aspects embodied in one and
the same mouthpiece. Our mod ule system will satisfy the musician's demands to a large extent.
In the following the  number of the shank is inversely proportional to the volume of the shank. This means that number one is a b ulgy shank with a wide bore, whereas number eight is narrow and slim.
Wide shanks  produce a full big tone, the high register is often hard to play. Narrow  shanks produce  bright and sharp tones.

In the list you will find  shanks that have letters in their names. These shanks  are newly developed  models  and were invented in order to add some characteristics that the ones with numbers only do not have.
Shank assortment: (ranking according to volume)
W1:   Copy of an old Viennese shan k. Trombone-like sonorous sound.
1:     Bore of the G1 mouthpiece.
2:     Beautiful mellow tone, standard bore G2.
G:    Original version of shank Nr. 2; similar to G2 in terms of sound quality and intonation.
W2:   Shape of shank W1, however with reduced volume.
L:    Guaranteed precise ease of play, beautiful centred tone.
P:     All-round orchestra shank, brilliant sound pattern.
3:     Precise ease of play, bright to ne, standard bore G3.
4:     Especially suitable for young players, a bit too wide for piccolo.
5:     Big tone for piccolo, long Seele for the right no te in the high register.
6:     For musicians who need deep cups but who do not have enough pulmonary volume.
S:     Easy to play, without significant loss of tone quality.
B:    For Jazz and entertainment music, easy to play.
J:     Narrow dimensions, bright sharp tone, supports to reach notes in the high register.
N:    For trumpets with piston system, good results in combinatio n with piccolo trumpet.
7:     For Jazz and entertainment music. Bright, sharp tone.
17:    Copy of a legendary shank of Bach Corp. Mt. Vermont.
8:     Extremely narrow back bore for inpidualists.
On request we provide your favourite model  of our mouthpiece assortment  with the  back  bore of  your choice.
New models are in planning, technical modification subject to change without notice.

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