Alison Krauss 是当今美国兰草音乐的领军者,“兰草音乐”(Blue Grass)是美国民间音乐的一种,从上世纪二十年代出现并开始发展,在新世纪里未显丝毫颓败之势,因Alison 这样优秀兰草歌手的不断革新,使兰草音乐焕发出更为迷人的气质,作品逐渐挤占主流唱片市场份额,且在全球都拥有越来越多的歌迷。
1971年7月23日,艾莉森·克劳斯 (Alison Krauss) 生于伊利诺伊州迪尔莱克。5岁开始学习小提琴及古
典音乐。在14岁那年,艾莉森跟Rounder唱片公司签约,并在两年后发行了个人的第一张专辑唱片,紧接着她人生的第一次辉煌就来到了,年仅18岁的艾莉森获得了流行音乐界的重要奖项——格莱美奖。这位女歌手从走上音乐道路时就是乡村音乐界最耀眼的明星,她与蓝草风格的Union Station乐队合作到现在。随着摇曳舒缓的吉它,带着女生的温柔与清纯,蓝草乡村女歌手艾莉森·克劳斯演绎出无数动人心魄的歌声。至今,她已获27座格莱美奖,成为历史上获格莱美奖最多的女艺术家之一。艾莉森·克劳斯的一曲 “when you say nothing at all”被无数人当作心中永恒的经典。
The Lucky One
You're the lucky one,
so I've been told.
As free as a wind blowing down the road.
Loved by many,hated by none.
I'd say you were lucky 'cause I know what you've done.
Not a care in the world, not a worry in sight,
Everything's gonna be alright,
Cause you're the lucky one.
You're the lucky one,
always having fun.
A jack of all trades,a master of none.
You look at the world with a smiling eye,
and laugh at the devil as his train rolls by.
give you a song and a one night stand,
and you'll be looking at a happy man,
Cause you're the lucky one.
Well, you're blessed, I guess
by never knowing which road you're choosing
To you the next best thing to playing and winning
You're the lucky one,
I know that now.
Don't ask you why, when, where or how.
You look at the world through your smiling eye,
and laugh at the devil as his train rolls by.
give you song and a one night stand,
and you'll be looking at a happy man.
Cause you're the lucky one.
Well, you're blessed, I guess
by never knowing which road you're choosing.
To you the next best thing to playing and winning
You're the lucky one,
I know that now.
Don't ask you why, when, where or how.
No matter where you're at,
That's where you'll be.
You can bet your luck won't follow me.
Just give you a song and a one night stand,
you'll be looking at a happy man.
Cause you're the lucky one.